As Ward Councillors we regularly go on walkabouts with local residents around North Edgbaston. Having received complaints about flytipping on the Coplow Street Estate we scheduled a Walkabout alongside Labour activist, Marcus Bernasconi.
On the walkabout we saw dumped rubbish and immediately reported these to the Council. Having spoken to a number of residents and following a request from the residents association we arranged for the Mobile Household Recycling Centre to visit Coplow St.
Carl said:
This area is regularly blighted with rubbish dumped on the streets. Our priority was to clear the fly-tipping, but we also wanted to give local residents the opportunity to get rid of any big items they had at home. We then invited senior officers down to see first hand the fly-tipping.
Residents were pleased with the Mobile Household Recycling Vehicle which was followed up with a visit from Cllr John O'Shea, Cabinet Member for Street Scene and Darren Share, Assistant Director for Street Scene alongside the North Summerfield Residents Association.
On the walkabout we looked at problem alleyways, issues around black sacks, empty properties on Wiggin Street with huge volumes of rubbish piled on front gardens and general fly-tipping hotspots. The Council have taken immediate action on some issues and will look at longer term solutions for others.
Marcus added
As I was speaking to residents they shared with me some of the issues they face with black sack collections. I promised to help look into this with Carl and Sharon. I was pleased to hear the Head of the Refuse Service from the Council is looking at ways to improve the current collections
Sharon said
We reported the fly-tipping to the Council which has been cleared, but wanted a more co-ordinated approach to tackling issues on and around Coplow Street. I'm pleased we have managed to get swift actions agreed following the Walkabout. Residents can be confident that we will take action on all issues reported to us.
Cllr Carl Rice is joined by an officer from Birmingham City Council to help remove fly-tipping on the Coplow Street Estate