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Local residents thank Labour North Edgbaston Councillors for Stanmore Road traffic calming measures

Local residents around Stanmore Road have often complained about speeding in the area. As such, local councillors, Carl Rice and Sharon Thompson, have been keen to get this road addressed as the volume of speeding was a safety concern and causing a lot of local distress.

Following a meeting with local residents Cllr Carl Rice requested that the road was assessed by the local Highways Engineer. It was felt that road traffic measures needed to be considered and the Highways Engineer has now recommended installing speed bumps to reduce speeding.

The ward has a very small highways budget, which is controlled by the local councillors. Carl and Sharon have agreed to allocate the local highways budget to deliver the Stanmore Road scheme. Local councillors were delighted when the scheme was complete in December.

Carl said, "The residents of Stanmore Road has suffered greatly with speeding. This has to be one of the worst effected roads in the ward and as ward Councillors we agreed to fund this scheme with our ward highways budget. We have already had positive feedback since the scheme has been implemented and residents tell us that speeding has reduced significantly. I would like to thank the Council officers who met with me and made this scheme happen. Local residents are delighted.”

One local resident told us "Can I thank you and your team for the hard work in helping to get the speed bumps/cushions on Stanmore Road. They have been installed and already several cars have experienced a severe CLUNK when they took no notice of them. Dangerous driving has definitely been calmed."

Speeding across the ward is a concern. Local residents groups and the police often run speedwatch sessions to catch those breaking the speed limits. North Edgbaston councillors have fought to ensure that the ward was one of the few areas included in City consultation for 20mph limit schemes to be considered.

Sharon said, "Addressing speeding issues across the ward is been a priority. This scheme has already assisted in reducing speeding which was a menace to local residents. I am really pleased we have been able to deliver this scheme. Residents have seen a huge impact since its implementation."


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