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Safer Streets

Boris Johnson's Conservatives are all talk and no action when it comes to tackling crime. On their watch, police numbers are down 2,200 in the West Mids, and they've wiped out community policing. It's no surprise antisocial behaviour has skyrocketed, violent crime is devastating communities and there are record low convictions for rape and sexual assault.

Safer Streets

Your Labour Police and Crime Commissioner has already...

  1. Come up with plan to tackle Violent Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour in the West Midlands

  2. Developed a strategy to tackle Violence Against Woman and Girls

  3. Led the crackdown on drink and drug driving

  4. Put 177 new neighborhood police back on our streets since May 2021, and plan to put 273 more officers into our communities

  5. Appointed the first Victims' Commissioner to stand up for victims of crime

  6. Called on the Tory Government to reverse the £175 million of police cuts to the West Midlands

Your next Labour Government will...

  1. Put more police on our streets including a crime prevention team in every neighborhood

  2. Make our communities safer by driving down crime and antisocial behavior

  3. Stand up for youth clubs and community services

  4. Ensure criminals are brought to justice

  5. Give victims more rights

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